THE TIMELINE.. by:1B yapeyú

THE TIMELINE.. by:1B yapeyú

viernes, 15 de agosto de 2008

San Martín was born in yapeyu one25ª of february in 1778.His father Don Jose de San Martn and his mother Gregoria Matorral. In 1786he transfer to live to Spain an added to military forces, in 1808 he war in his first battle. He cross the andes, He made Argentina Chile and Perú free of the Spain forces, He died one 17ª of Augost in 1850.He was a great warrior and he pass for a lot of adventures

By:Gerónimo Gómez Belcastro

San Martin was born in Yapeyu, in the Argentine province of Corrientes, beside the mighty Uruguay river, on February 25th 1778.

His father, Don Juan de San Martin, was the governor of the department; her mother, Doña Gregoria Matorras, was the niece of a conqueror of the Chaco´s wild forests

In 1786 he is transferred to Spain with his family, where he studies in the Noble Seminary of Madrid and, in 1789, he initiates his military career in the regiment of Murcia. he serves in the army of Spain during the wars against the French and in 1808 he fights in the battle of Baylen against Napoleon´s army that had invaded the Peninsula.In the city of Cadiz he knows other South American officers and he joins the lodges that promoted the independence. In 1811 he resigns his military career in Spain and embarks in the sail ship George Canning from England to Buenos Aires, where he arrives the 9 of March of 1812 accompanied by other friends.The independent government of Buenos Aires accepts the services of San Martin, recognizes his degree of lieutenant colonel and orders him to create a cavalry corps that soon would be the glorious regiment of Mounted Grenadiers. In that same year he married Maria Remedies de Escalada, that belonged to a distinguished family of the country. He creates the Lautaro lodge, whose objective was to liberate South America of the Spanish yoke. In October of 1812, the members of the lodge head a movement that intends to remove some members of the First Triunvirato (the government). Pacifically, the Town Hall names a Segundo Triunvirato, who, soon after, calls to an Assembly of Delegates of the Provinces with the purpose of dictating a Constitution.

On February 3rd, 1813, the Mounted Grenadiers fought and won their first combat, near the ravines of San Lorenzo, against the Spanish disembarkation army that arrived with several ships from the port of Montevideo.
In January of 1814, San Martin takes control of the North Army, from the hands of its former general, Belgrano, that had returned defeated from the Alto Peru -today the republic of Bolivia-, and since then, they establish a long friendship.Soon after being San Martin in Tucuman, he realized that it was impossible to conquer Lima city, the capital of Peru, that was the center of the Spanish power, by the terrestrial way of the highs of the Andes. He conceived the idea of crossing the mountain range to Chile and to attack the city of Lima by sea way.A disease forces him to request license and obtains from the government the nomination of Governor of the Cuyo province. He leaves Tucuman for Mendoza, capital of Cuyo, a city that stands at the foot of the mountain range of the Andes. There he recovers and begins to prepare an army to cross the Andes. In the year 1816 he sends, representing the province of Cuyo, a delegation to the congress that met in Tucuman, with express orders to insist on the declaration of independence. Because of his insistence, the declaration of the independence from the rule of Spain of the Provincias Unidas del Rio de la Plata -that was the primitive name of what now is the Argentine Republic- was acclaimed in that congress the 9 of July of that year. From Mendoza he prepares with little means an army. All the people contributes with their work and goods to make the dangerous expedition. He insists before the government of Buenos Aires to permit to his army the crossing of the Andes to Chile.

In January of 1817 the crossing of the army begins. They were around 4000 men of infantry, cavalry and artillery and carried provisions for a month. They crossed divided into two columns by the passage of Los Patos and the one of Uspallata, and the two columns met in Santa Rosa of the Andes.
On February 12, 1817 few days after the passage of the Andes, the army, that was given the name "Army of the Andes", wins the battle of Chacabuco and some days after, the Liberator enters the city of Santiago de Chile. The Town hall met the day 18th and designated San Martin Supreme Director, but he resigned that honor and then general Bernardo OHiggins was elect for the position.In the first days of 1818, a disembarked realistic army from Peru, advanced on the capital of Chile. The 19 of March, in a night attack, the Spanish army defeats the independents in the battle of Cancharrayada and general OHiggins was wounded.

The United Argentine-Chilean army recovers and on April 5th they defeat completely the Spanish army in the battle of Maipu. That battle ended the Spanish efforts to dominate Chile.
The way to Lima by sea was then opened, but it was necessary to create a fleet that did not exist. With some boats captured to the enemy and others bought to the United States and England, the Chilean navy was created. The first admiral was Blanco Encalada and then took command the English admiral, Lord Cochrane.

On August 20, 1820 the expeditionary Argentine-Chilean army sails from the port of Valparaiso to Peru.

In the month of July, 1821, San Martin enters triumphant to the city of Lima, proclaims independence, is designated Protective of Peru and exerts the government.

On July 26, 1822 San Martin interviews with Simon Bolivar in the city of Guayaquil, Ecuador. There they meet both liberators of South America, the one of the north and the one of the south. They talk privily by more than four hours. San Martin returns to Lima the night of the 26.

On September 20 of that year meets in Lima the first Congress of Peru and there the Protective resigns to his office. The same day he embarked for Chile and months later crosses the Andes to Mendoza.

On august 3, 1823 his wife dies in Buenos Aires. The 10 of February of 1824, displeased by the civil wars in the Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata, he embarked for France with his little daughter, Mercedes. There he lived until his death, on august 17, 1850.

Linea cronologica del General San Martin

1778:25 de febrero: nace en Yapeyú José Francisco de San Martín, hijo de Juan de San Martín y doña Gregoria Matorras.
1797/1798:El teniente José de San Martín lucha como tripulante de barcos españoles contra la escuadra inglesa del Mediterráneo.
1811:San Martín pide su retiro del ejército español y se embarca para Londres.Desastre de Huaqui.
1813:3 de febrero: Batalla de San Lorenzo.20 de febrero: Batalla de Salta.Octubre y noviembre: Derrotas de Vilcapugio y Ayohuma. Se pierde el Alto Perú. San Martín reemplaza a Belgrano en el mando del Ejército del Norte.Diciembre: Tratado de Valencay; Fernando VII es restaurado en el trono de España.
1817: partida del ejercito a Los Andes
1818:Se declara la independencia de Chile.18 de marzo: Cancha Rayada.5 de abril: Batalla de Maipú.
1822:Entrevista de Guayaquil entre San Martín y Bolívar.San Martín reúne el Congreso en Lima y delega el mando.
1830:Se instala en París.
1850:Muere el General San Martin


Jose de San Martin was born in Yapeyu, Corrientes, Argentina on Frebuary, 25th 1778.

His father, Don Juan de San Martin, was the governor of the department; her mother, Doña Gregoria Matorras, was the niece of a conqueror of the Chaco´s wild forests.

In 1786 he is transferred to Spain with his family, where he studies in the Noble Seminary of Madrid and, in 1789, he initiates his military career in the regiment of Murcia.

In 1808 he fights in the battle of Baylen against Napoleon´s army that had invaded the Peninsula.
In the city of Cadiz he knows other South American officers and he joins the lodges that promoted the independence. In 1811 he resigns his military career in Spain and embarks in the sail ship George Canning from England to Buenos Aires, where he arrives the 9 of March of 1812 accompanied by other friends.
The independent government of Buenos Aires accepts the services of San Martin, recognizes his degree of lieutenant colonel and orders him to create a cavalry corps that soon would be the glorious regiment of Mounted Grenadiers. In that same year he married Maria Remedies de Escalada, that belonged to a distinguished family of the country. He creates the Lautaro lodge, whose objective was to liberate South America of the Spanish yoke. In October of 1812, the members of the lodge head a movement that intends to remove some members of the First Triunvirato (the government). Pacifically, the Town Hall names a Segundo Triunvirato, who, soon after, calls to an Assembly of Delegates of the Provinces with the purpose of dictating a Constitution.
On February 3rd, 1813, the Mounted Grenadiers fought and won their first combat, near the ravines of San Lorenzo, against the Spanish disembarkation army that arrived with several ships from the port of Montevideo.
In January of 1814, San Martin takes control of the North Army, from the hands of its former general, Belgrano, that had returned defeated from the Alto Peru -today the republic of Bolivia-, and since then, they establish a long friendship.
In the year 1816 he sends, representing the province of Cuyo, a delegation to the congress that met in Tucuman, with express orders to insist on the declaration of independence. Because of his insistence, the declaration of the independence from the rule of Spain of the Provincias Unidas del Rio de la Plata -that was the primitive name of what now is the Argentine Republic- was acclaimed in that congress the 9 of July of that year. From Mendoza he prepares with little means an army. All the people contributes with their work and goods to make the dangerous expedition. He insists before the government of Buenos Aires to permit to his army the crossing of the Andes to Chile.

In January of 1817 the crossing of the army begins. They were around 4000 men of infantry, cavalry and artillery and carried provisions for a month. They crossed divided into two columns by the passage of Los Patos and the one of Uspallata, and the two columns met in Santa Rosa of the Andes.
On February 12, 1817 few days after the passage of the Andes, the army, that was given the name "Army of the Andes", wins the battle of Chacabuco and some days after, the Liberator enters the city of Santiago de Chile. The Town hall met the day 18th and designated San Martin Supreme Director, but he resigned that honor and then general Bernardo OHiggins was elect for the position.
In the first days of 1818, a disembarked realistic army from Peru, advanced on the capital of Chile. The 19 of March, in a night attack, the Spanish army defeats the independents in the battle of Cancharrayada and general OHiggins was wounded.

On August 20, 1820 the expeditionary Argentine-Chilean army sails from the port of Valparaiso to Peru.
In the month of July, 1821, San Martin enters triumphant to the city of Lima, proclaims independence, is designated Protective of Peru and exerts the government.
On July 26, 1822 San Martin interviews with Simon Bolivar in the city of Guayaquil, Ecuador. There they meet both liberators of South America, the one of the north and the one of the south. They talk privily by more than four hours. San Martin returns to Lima the night of the 26.
On September 20 of that year meets in Lima the first Congress of Peru and there the Protective resigns to his office. The same day he embarked for Chile and months later crosses the Andes to Mendoza.
On august 3, 1823 his wife dies in Buenos Aires. The 10 of February of 1824, displeased by the civil wars in the Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata, he embarked for France with his little daughter, Mercedes. There he lived until his death, on august 17, 1850.

Underline of Jose de San Martin:

1778:he was born
1786:he is transferred to spain
1789:he ivitiates his militari carser in the regiment of murcia
1808:his serves in the army of spain during the wars againt the french and he fighs in battle of bylen againt napoleon’s army
1812:he arrived to bs as and crieds the regiment of mounted grenadiers and te lautaro lodge
1813:the mounterd granadiers fought and won their ferst
1814an martin takes control of the north army from general belgrano
1816:he sends a delegation to the congress that met in Tucuman with express orders to imist of the declaration of independence
1817:the army of the andes wins the battle of chacabuco and some day after, the liberator enters the city of sabtiago de ce.the croning of the army brgins
1821an martin enters triumplant to the



San Martin was born in Yapeyu, in the Argentine province of Corrientes, beside the mighty Uruguay river, on February 25th 1778.

His father, Don Juan de San Martin, was the governor of the department; her mother, Doña Gregoria Matorras, was the niece of a conqueror of the Chaco´s wild forests

In 1786 he is transferred to Spain with his family, where he studies in the Noble Seminary of Madrid and, in 1789, he initiates his military career in the regiment of Murcia. he serves in the army of Spain during the wars against the French and in 1808 he fights in the battle of Baylen against Napoleon´s army that had invaded the Peninsula.

In the city of Cadiz he knows other South American officers and he joins the lodges that promoted the independence. In 1811 he resigns his military career in Spain and embarks in the sail ship George Canning from England to Buenos Aires, where he arrives the 9 of March of 1812 accompanied by other friends.

The independent government of Buenos Aires accepts the services of San Martin, recognizes his degree of lieutenant colonel and orders him to create a cavalry corps that soon would be the glorious regiment of Mounted Grenadiers. In that same year he married Maria Remedies de Escalada, that belonged to a distinguished family of the country. He creates the Lautaro lodge, whose objective was to liberate South America of the Spanish yoke. In October of 1812, the members of the lodge head a movement that intends to remove some members of the First Triunvirato (the government). Pacifically, the Town Hall names a Segundo Triunvirato, who, soon after, calls to an Assembly of Delegates of the Provinces with the purpose of dictating a Constitution.

On February 3rd, 1813, the Mounted Grenadiers fought and won their first combat, near the ravines of San Lorenzo, against the Spanish disembarkation army that arrived with several ships from the port of Montevideo.

In January of 1814, San Martin takes control of the North Army, from the hands of its former general, Belgrano, that had returned defeated from the Alto Peru -today the republic of Bolivia-, and since then, they establish a long friendship.

Soon after being San Martin in Tucuman, he realized that it was impossible to conquer Lima city, the capital of Peru, that was the center of the Spanish power, by the terrestrial way of the highs of the Andes. He conceived the idea of crossing the mountain range to Chile and to attack the city of Lima by sea way.

A disease forces him to request license and obtains from the government the nomination of Governor of the Cuyo province. He leaves Tucuman for Mendoza, capital of Cuyo, a city that stands at the foot of the mountain range of the Andes. There he recovers and begins to prepare an army to cross the Andes.

In the year 1816 he sends, representing the province of Cuyo, a delegation to the congress that met in Tucuman, with express orders to insist on the declaration of independence. Because of his insistence, the declaration of the independence from the rule of Spain of the Provincias Unidas del Rio de la Plata -that was the primitive name of what now is the Argentine Republic- was acclaimed in that congress the 9 of July of that year.

From Mendoza he prepares with little means an army. All the people contributes with their work and goods to make the dangerous expedition. He insists before the government of Buenos Aires to permit to his army the crossing of the Andes to Chile.

In January of 1817 the crossing of the army begins. They were around 4000 men of infantry, cavalry and artillery and carried provisions for a month. They crossed divided into two columns by the passage of Los Patos and the one of Uspallata, and the two columns met in Santa Rosa of the Andes.

On February 12, 1817 few days after the passage of the Andes, the army, that was given the name "Army of the Andes", wins the battle of Chacabuco and some days after, the Liberator enters the city of Santiago de Chile. The Town hall met the day 18th and designated San Martin Supreme Director, but he resigned that honor and then general Bernardo OHiggins was elect for the position.

In the first days of 1818, a disembarked realistic army from Peru, advanced on the capital of Chile. The 19 of March, in a night attack, the Spanish army defeats the independents in the battle of Cancharrayada and general OHiggins was wounded.

The United Argentine-Chilean army recovers and on April 5th they defeat completely the Spanish army in the battle of Maipu. That battle ended the Spanish efforts to dominate Chile.

The way to Lima by sea was then opened, but it was necessary to create a fleet that did not exist. With some boats captured to the enemy and others bought to the United States and England, the Chilean navy was created. The first admiral was Blanco Encalada and then took command the English admiral, Lord Cochrane.
On August 20, 1820 the expeditionary Argentine-Chilean army sails from the port of Valparaiso to Peru.
In the month of July, 1821, San Martin enters triumphant to the city of Lima, proclaims independence, is designated Protective of Peru and exerts the government.

On July 26, 1822 San Martin interviews with Simon Bolivar in the city of Guayaquil, Ecuador. There they meet both liberators of South America, the one of the north and the one of the south. They talk privily by more than four hours. San Martin returns to Lima the night of the 26.

On September 20 of that year meets in Lima the first Congress of Peru and there the Protective resigns to his office. The same day he embarked for Chile and months later crosses the Andes to Mendoza.
On august 3, 1823 his wife dies in Buenos Aires. The 10 of February of 1824, displeased by the civil wars in the Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata, he embarked for France with his little daughter, Mercedes. There he lived until his death, on august 17, 1850.

Aprendan el ingles¡¡

San Martin

San Martin was very important in our history because he created a avarly carps that soon would be the Glorious Regiment of mounted Grenadiers. Also he cretes the latauro lodge whose abjective was to liberate South American of the spanish yoke and the most important thing he did was to liberate three countries: Argentina, Chile and Peru

By : Vicki, Juli y Ana

The life of the general San Martin...


Jose de San Martin was born in Yapeyu, Corrientes, Argentina on Frebuary, 25th 1778.

His father, Don Juan de San Martin, was the governor of the department; her mother, Doña Gregoria Matorras, was the niece of a conqueror of the Chaco´s wild forests.

In 1786 he is transferred to Spain with his family, where he studies in the Noble Seminary of Madrid and, in 1789, he initiates his military career in the regiment of Murcia.

In 1808 he fights in the battle of Baylen against Napoleon´s army that had invaded the Peninsula.

In the city of Cadiz he knows other South American officers and he joins the lodges that promoted the independence. In 1811 he resigns his military career in Spain and embarks in the sail ship George Canning from England to Buenos Aires, where he arrives the 9 of March of 1812 accompanied by other friends.
The independent government of Buenos Aires accepts the services of San Martin, recognizes his degree of lieutenant colonel and orders him to create a cavalry corps that soon would be the glorious regiment of Mounted Grenadiers. In that same year he married Maria Remedies de Escalada, that belonged to a distinguished family of the country. He creates the Lautaro lodge, whose objective was to liberate South America of the Spanish yoke. In October of 1812, the members of the lodge head a movement that intends to remove some members of the First Triunvirato (the government). Pacifically, the Town Hall names a Segundo Triunvirato, who, soon after, calls to an Assembly of Delegates of the Provinces with the purpose of dictating a Constitution.

On February 3rd, 1813, the Mounted Grenadiers fought and won their first combat, near the ravines of San Lorenzo, against the Spanish disembarkation army that arrived with several ships from the port of Montevideo.
In January of 1814, San Martin takes control of the North Army, from the hands of its former general, Belgrano, that had returned defeated from the Alto Peru -today the republic of Bolivia-, and since then, they establish a long friendship.
In the year 1816 he sends, representing the province of Cuyo, a delegation to the congress that met in Tucuman, with express orders to insist on the declaration of independence. Because of his insistence, the declaration of the independence from the rule of Spain of the Provincias Unidas del Rio de la Plata -that was the primitive name of what now is the Argentine Republic- was acclaimed in that congress the 9 of July of that year.

From Mendoza he prepares with little means an army. All the people contributes with their work and goods to make the dangerous expedition. He insists before the government of Buenos Aires to permit to his army the crossing of the Andes to Chile.

In January of 1817 the crossing of the army begins. They were around 4000 men of infantry, cavalry and artillery and carried provisions for a month. They crossed divided into two columns by the passage of Los Patos and the one of Uspallata, and the two columns met in Santa Rosa of the Andes.
On February 12, 1817 few days after the passage of the Andes, the army, that was given the name "Army of the Andes", wins the battle of Chacabuco and some days after, the Liberator enters the city of Santiago de Chile. The Town hall met the day 18th and designated San Martin Supreme Director, but he resigned that honor and then general Bernardo OHiggins was elect for the position.
In the first days of 1818, a disembarked realistic army from Peru, advanced on the capital of Chile. The 19 of March, in a night attack, the Spanish army defeats the independents in the battle of Cancharrayada and general OHiggins was wounded.

On August 20, 1820 the expeditionary Argentine-Chilean army sails from the port of Valparaiso to Peru.
In the month of July, 1821, San Martin enters triumphant to the city of Lima, proclaims independence, is designated Protective of Peru and exerts the government.
On July 26, 1822 San Martin interviews with Simon Bolivar in the city of Guayaquil, Ecuador. There they meet both liberators of South America, the one of the north and the one of the south. They talk privily by more than four hours. San Martin returns to Lima the night of the 26.
On September 20 of that year meets in Lima the first Congress of Peru and there the Protective resigns to his office. The same day he embarked for Chile and months later crosses the Andes to Mendoza.
On august 3, 1823 his wife dies in Buenos Aires. The 10 of February of 1824, displeased by the civil wars in the Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata, he embarked for France with his little daughter, Mercedes. There he lived until his death, on august 17, 1850.

Cronologic of Jose de San Martin:

1778: he was born
1786:he is transferred to spain
1789:he ivitiates his militarily carser in the regiment of murcia
1808:his serves in the army of spain during the wars againt the french and he fighs in battle of bylen againt napoleon’s army
1812:he arrived to bs as and crieds the regiment of mounted grenadiers and te lautaro lodge
1813:the mounterd granadiers fought and won their ferst
1814an martin takes control of the north army from general belgrano
1816:he sends a delegation to the congress that met in Tucuman with express orders to imist of the declaration of independence
1817:the army of the andes wins the battle of chacabuco and some day after, the liberator enters the city of sabtiago de ce.the croning of the army brgins
1821an martin enters triumplant to the

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General San Martin..

José de San Martín , 1778-1850, South American revolutionist, b. Yapeyú, in present-day Argentina. After service with the Spanish army in Europe, he returned (1812) to join the revolution against Spain in his native country. He superseded Manuel Belgrano in command of the army against royalist forces in Upper Peru and decided, after some experience, that the attack on the royalist stronghold could best be made through Chile. After training his troops at Mendoza, San Martín accomplished the difficult feat of leading an army across the Andes through Los Patos and Uspallata passes. Ably seconded by Bernardo O'Higgins , he defeated (1817) the Spanish at Chacabuco. San Martín was offered the governorship of Chile, which he refused. After a setback at Cancha Rayada, the patriots defeated (1818) the royalists at Maipú and completed the liberation of Chile. San Martín, with the aid of Thomas Cochrane (earl of Dundonald ), prepared to conquer Peru. Lima was taken (1821), and San Martín became protector of Peru. When Simón Bolívar advanced with the intention of driving out the Spanish, San Martín interviewed (July, 1822) him at Guayaquil and then resigned, leaving the conquest of Peru to Bolívar. San Martín retired from public life and in 1824 went to Europe, where he spent his remaining years in exile and comparative poverty. Bibliography: See B. Mitre, The Emancipation of South America (tr. 1893, repr. 1969); J. C. Metford, San Martín the Liberator (1950, repr. 1971).

chronology of San Martin por:(Lionel y Santiago)

Chronology of San Martin’s life

Short history of the liberator of Argentina,Chile and Peru

February 25th San Martín was born in Yapeyu province of Corrientes.His father Don Juan de San Martín, her mother Doña Gragoaria Matorras.
1786: He is transferred to Spain with his family, where ha studies in the Noble Seminary of Madrid.
1789: He initiates his military career in the regiment of Murcia.He serves in the army of Spain during the wars against the French.
1808: He fights in the battle of Baylen against Napoleon’s army that had the Peninsula.
1811: He resigns his military career in Spain and embarks in the sail ship George Canning from England to

Buenos Aires.
1812: On March 9th where he arrives accompanied by other friends.The independent government of Buenos Aires accepts the services of San Martin, recognizes his degree of `Lieutenant colonel and orders him to create a cavalry corps that soon would be the glorious regiment of Mounted Grenadiers. In that same year he married Maria Remedios de Escalada, that belonged to a distinguished family of the country. He creates the Lautaro lodge, whose objective was to liberate South America of the Spanish yoke.
In October of of this year, the members of the lodge headed a movement which intended to remove some members of the First Triunvirato (the government). Pacifically, the Town Hall names a Segundo Triunvirato, who, soon after, calls to an Assembly of Delegates of the Provinces with the purpose of dictating a Constitution.
1813: On February 3rd, the Mounted Grenadiers fought and won their first combat, near the ravines of San Lorenzo, against the Spanish disembarkation army that arrived with several ships from the port of Montevideo.
1814: In January of this year, San Martin takes control of the North Army, from the hands of its former General, Belgrano, that had returned defeated from the Alto Peru, today the Republic of Bolivia, and since then, they established a long friendship.
Soon after being San Martìn in Tucuman, he realized that it was impossible to conquer Lima city, the capital of Peru, that was the center of the Spanish power, by the terrestrial way of the highs of the Andes. He conceived the idea of crossing the mountain range to Chile and to attack the city of Lima by sea. A disease forces him to request license and obtains from the government the nomination of Governor of the Cuyo province. He leaves Tucuman for Mendoza, capital of Cuyo, a city that stands at the foot of the mountain range of the Andes. There he recovers and begins to prepare an army to cross the Andes.
1816: In this year he sends, representing the province of Cuyo, a delegation to the congress that met in Tucuman, with express orders to insist on the declaration of independence. Because of his insistence, the declaration of the independence from the rule of Spain of the Provincias Unidas del Rio de la Plata -that was the primitive name of what now is the Argentine Republic- was acclaimed in that congress the 9th of July of that year.
From Mendoza he prepares with little means an army. All the people contributes with their work and goods to make the dangerous expedition. He insists before the government of Buenos Aires to permit to his army the crossing of the Andes to Chile.
1817: In January the crossing of the army begins. They were around 4000 men of infantry, cavalry and artillery and carried provisions for a month. They crossed divided into two columns by the passage of Los Patos and the one of Uspallata, and the two columns met in Santa Rosa of the Andes.
On February 12th, a few days after the passage of the Andes, the army, that was given the name "Army of the Andes", wins the battle of Chacabuco and some days after, the Liberator enters the city of Santiago de Chile. The Town hall met the day 18th and designated San Martin Supreme Director, but he resigned that honor and then general Bernardo O’Higgins was elected for the position.
In the first days of 1818, a disembarked realistic army from Peru, advanced on the capital of Chile. The 19th of March, in a night attack, the Spanish army defeats the independents in the battle of Cancha Rayada and general O’Higgins was wounded.

1818: The United Argentine-Chilean army recovers and on April 5th they defeat completely the Spanish army in the battle of Maipu. That battle ended the Spanish efforts to dominate Chile.
The way to Lima by sea was then opened, but it was necessary to create a fleet that did not exist. With some boats captured to the enemy and others bought to the United States and England, the Chilean navy was created. The first admiral was Blanco Encalada and then took command the English admiral, Lord Cochrane.
1820: On August 20th the expeditionary Argentine-Chilean army sails from the port of Valparaiso to Peru.
1821: In July, San Martin enters triumphant to the city of Lima, proclaims independence, is designated Protective of Peru and exerts the government.
1822: On July 26th, San Martin meets with Simon Bolivar in the city of Guayaquil, Ecuador. There they meet both liberators of South America, the one of the north and the one of the south. They talk privvately for more than four hours. San Martin returns to Lima the night of the 26th.
On September 20th of that year meets in Lima the first Congress of Peru and there the Protective resigns to his office. The same day he embarked for Chile and months later crosses the Andes to Mendoza.
1823: On August 3rd, his wife dies in Buenos Aires.
1824: The 10th of February, displeased by the civil wars in the Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata, he embarked for France with his little daughter, Mercedes.
1850: There he lived with his daughter, granddaughters and son in low until his death, on August 17th.

Jose de San Martin

José Francisco de San Martín Matorras, also known as José de San Martín (25 February 177817 August 1850), was an Argentine general and the prime leader of the southern part of South America's successful struggle for independence from Spain. Born on February 25, 1778 in Yapeyú, Corrientes, he left his mother country at an early age and studied in Madrid, Spain where he met and befriended Chilean Bernardo O'Higgins. In 1808, after joining the Spanish forces to fight against the French, and participating in several battles such as the Battle of Bailén and Battle of Albuera, San Martín started making contact with South American supporters of independence.
In 1812, he set sail for
Buenos Aires from England, and offered his services to the United Provinces of South America (present-day Argentina).
After the
Battle of San Lorenzo in 1813, and some time in command of the Army of the North during 1814, he started his plan to attack Lima. This involved first creating an army in Cuyo, liberating Chile, and then attacking Lima by sea.
In 1817, he crossed the
Andes from Mendoza to Chile, and prevailed over the Spanish forces after the Battle of Chacabuco and Battle of Maipú (1818), liberating Chile. San Martín seized partial control of the viceroyalty's capital (Lima) on July 12, 1821 and was appointed Protector of Perú. Post closed-door meeting with fellow libertador Simón Bolívar at Guayaquil, Ecuador on 22 July 1822, Bolívar took over the task of fully liberating Peru and declared its independence. San Martín unexpectedly left Perú and resigned the command of his army, excluding himself from politics and the military, and moving to France in 1824. The details of the 22 July meeting would be a subject of debate by later historians.
Together with
Simón Bolívar, San Martín is regarded as one of the Liberators of Spanish South America. He is the national hero of Argentina. The Order of the Liberator General San Martin (Spanish: Orden del Libertador General San Martín) in his honour is the highest decoration in Argentina.

After joining the Regiment of Murcia, San Martín participated in several campaigns in Africa, fighting in Melilla and Oran, among other places. Later, by the end of the First Coalition of the French Revolutionary Wars in 1797, his rank was raised to Sub-Lieutenant for his actions against the French in the Pyrenees. On August of the same year, after several engagements, his regiment surrendered to British naval forces. Soon afterwards, he continued to fight in southern Spain, mainly in Cádiz and Gibraltar with the rank of Second Captain of light infantry.
When the
Peninsular War started in 1808, San Martín was assigned ayudante (Spanish, aide) of the First Regiment Voluntarios de Campo Mayor. After his actions against the French, he became Captain of the Regiment of Borbon. On July 19, 1808, Spanish and French forces engage in the Battle of Bailén, in which Spanish forces prevailed, allowing the Army of Andalucia to attack and seize Madrid. For his actions during this battle, San Martín was decorated with a gold medal, and his rank raised to Lieutenant Colonel.
While in Spain, San Martín became acquainted with several
criollos, and becomes aware of the independentist movements in America. Years later, in a September 11, 1848 letter to Ramón Castilla, he would write that in 1811, "In a meeting of Americans in Cadiz, knowing of the first movements of Caracas, Buenos Aires and elsewhere we resolved to return each to our country of birth, in order to offer our services to the struggle we considered was bound to intensify".
May 16, 1811, he participated in the Battle of Albuera under the command of general William Carr Beresford. During the battle he met Scottish Lord MacDuff (James Duff, the Fourth Earl of Fife) who introduced him to the lodges that were plotting the South American independence efforts. San Martín requested resignation from the Spanish army, which was granted.

Saint Martin's life

1778: San Martin was born.
1785: He come back to Spain with his family.
1793: He was promoted second lieutenant.
1812: He went into the fregate “George Canning”.
1813:He went to the first asamblea to made Argentina free.
1816: He was named commander in chief of army.
1823: His wife died.

1824: He went to France.
1850: He died.


Jose de San Martin was born in Yapeyu, Corrientes, Argentina on Frebuary, 25th 1778.

His father, Don Juan de San Martin, was the governor of the department; her mother, Doña Gregoria Matorras, was the niece of a conqueror of the Chaco´s wild forests.

In 1786 he is transferred to Spain with his family, where he studies in the Noble Seminary of Madrid and, in 1789, he initiates his military career in the regiment of Murcia.

In 1808 he fights in the battle of Baylen against Napoleon´s army that had invaded the Peninsula.
In the city of Cadiz he knows other South American officers and he joins the lodges that promoted the independence. In 1811 he resigns his military career in Spain and embarks in the sail ship George Canning from England to Buenos Aires, where he arrives the 9 of March of 1812 accompanied by other friends.
The independent government of Buenos Aires accepts the services of San Martin, recognizes his degree of lieutenant colonel and orders him to create a cavalry corps that soon would be the glorious regiment of Mounted Grenadiers. In that same year he married Maria Remedies de Escalada, that belonged to a distinguished family of the country. He creates the Lautaro lodge, whose objective was to liberate South America of the Spanish yoke. In October of 1812, the members of the lodge head a movement that intends to remove some members of the First Triunvirato (the government). Pacifically, the Town Hall names a Segundo Triunvirato, who, soon after, calls to an Assembly of Delegates of the Provinces with the purpose of dictating a Constitution.
On February 3rd, 1813, the Mounted Grenadiers fought and won their first combat, near the ravines of San Lorenzo, against the Spanish disembarkation army that arrived with several ships from the port of Montevideo.
In January of 1814, San Martin takes control of the North Army, from the hands of its former general, Belgrano, that had returned defeated from the Alto Peru -today the republic of Bolivia-, and since then, they establish a long friendship.
In the year 1816 he sends, representing the province of Cuyo, a delegation to the congress that met in Tucuman, with express orders to insist on the declaration of independence. Because of his insistence, the declaration of the independence from the rule of Spain of the Provincias Unidas del Rio de la Plata -that was the primitive name of what now is the Argentine Republic- was acclaimed in that congress the 9 of July of that year. From Mendoza he prepares with little means an army. All the people contributes with their work and goods to make the dangerous expedition. He insists before the government of Buenos Aires to permit to his army the crossing of the Andes to Chile.

In January of 1817 the crossing of the army begins. They were around 4000 men of infantry, cavalry and artillery and carried provisions for a month. They crossed divided into two columns by the passage of Los Patos and the one of Uspallata, and the two columns met in Santa Rosa of the Andes.
On February 12, 1817 few days after the passage of the Andes, the army, that was given the name "Army of the Andes", wins the battle of Chacabuco and some days after, the Liberator enters the city of Santiago de Chile. The Town hall met the day 18th and designated San Martin Supreme Director, but he resigned that honor and then general Bernardo OHiggins was elect for the position.
In the first days of 1818, a disembarked realistic army from Peru, advanced on the capital of Chile. The 19 of March, in a night attack, the Spanish army defeats the independents in the battle of Cancharrayada and general OHiggins was wounded.

On August 20, 1820 the expeditionary Argentine-Chilean army sails from the port of Valparaiso to Peru.
In the month of July, 1821, San Martin enters triumphant to the city of Lima, proclaims independence, is designated Protective of Peru and exerts the government.
On July 26, 1822 San Martin interviews with Simon Bolivar in the city of Guayaquil, Ecuador. There they meet both liberators of South America, the one of the north and the one of the south. They talk privily by more than four hours. San Martin returns to Lima the night of the 26.
On September 20 of that year meets in Lima the first Congress of Peru and there the Protective resigns to his office. The same day he embarked for Chile and months later crosses the Andes to Mendoza.
On august 3, 1823 his wife dies in Buenos Aires. The 10 of February of 1824, displeased by the civil wars in the Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata, he embarked for France with his little daughter, Mercedes. There he lived until his death, on august 17, 1850.

By: Aixa Lotoski, Jazmin Romero, Nicole Diez

San Martin biography

San Martin was born in Yapeyu, in the Argentine province of Corrientes, beside the mighty Uruguay river, on February 25th 1778. His father, Don Juan de San Martin, was the governor of the department; her mother, Doña Gregoria Matorras, was the niece of a conqueror of the Chaco´s wild forests

Why is San Martin important? Because was the liberator of Argentina, Chile and Peru.

Chronological line:

In 1786: he is transferred to Spain with his family, where he studies in the Noble Seminary of Madrid

In 1789: he initiates his military career in the regiment of Murcia. he serves in the army of Spain during the wars against the French

In1808: he fights in the battle of Baylen against Napoleon´s army that had invaded the Peninsula.

In 1811:he resigns his military career in Spain and embarks in the sail ship George Canning from England to Buenos Aires.

In 1812: the members of the lodge head a movement that intends to remove some members of the First Triunvirato (the government). Pacifically, the Town Hall names a Segundo Triunvirato, who, soon after, calls to an Assembly of Delegates of the Provinces with the purpose of dictating a Constitution.

On February 3rd, 1813:the Mounted Grenadiers fought and won their first combat, near the ravines of San Lorenzo, against the Spanish disembarkation army that arrived with several ships from the port of Montevideo.

In January of 1814: San Martin takes control of the North Army, from the hands of its former general, Belgrano, that had returned defeated from the Alto Peru -today the republic of Bolivia-, and since then, they establish a long friendship.

In the year 1816: he sends, representing the province of Cuyo, a delegation to the congress that met in Tucuman, with express orders to insist on the declaration of independence. Because of his insistence, the declaration of the independence from the rule of Spain of the Provincias Unidas del Rio de la Plata -that was the primitive name of what now is the Argentine Republic- was acclaimed in that congress the 9 of July of that year.

In January of 1817: the crossing of the army begins. They were around 4000 men of infantry, cavalry and artillery and carried provisions for a month. They crossed divided into two columns by the passage of Los Patos and the one of Uspallata, and the two columns met in Santa Rosa of the Andes.

On February 12, 1817: few days after the passage of the Andes, the army, that was given the name "Army of the Andes", wins the battle of Chacabuco and some days after, the Liberator enters the city of Santiago de Chile. The Town hall met the day 18th and designated San Martin Supreme Director, but he resigned that honor and then general Bernardo OHiggins was elect for the position.

In the first days of 1818: a disembarked realistic army from Peru, advanced on the capital of Chile. The 19 of March, in a night attack, the Spanish army defeats the independents in the battle of Cancharrayada and general OHiggins was wounded. The way to Lima by sea was then opened, but it was necessary to create a fleet that did not exist. With some boats captured to the enemy and others bought to the United States and England, the Chilean navy was created. The first admiral was Blanco Encalada and then took command the English admiral, Lord Cochrane.

On August 20, 1820: the expeditionary Argentine-Chilean army sails from the port of Valparaiso to Peru.

In the month of July, 1821: San Martin enters triumphant to the city of Lima, proclaims independence, is designated Protective of Peru and exerts the government.

On July 26, 1822: San Martin interviews with Simon Bolivar in the city of Guayaquil, Ecuador. There they meet both liberators of South America, the one of the north and the one of the south. They talk privily by more than four hours. San Martin returns to Lima the night of the 26.

On September 20: of that year meets in Lima the first Congress of Peru and there the Protective resigns to his office. The same day he embarked for Chile and months later crosses the Andes to Mendoza.

On august 3, 1823: his wife dies in Buenos Aires.

There he lived until his death, on august 17, 1850.

San Martin.. by: 1B yapeyú

San Martin.. by: 1B yapeyú